BOND was selected by UCONN to provide construction management at risk services for the Northwest Science Quad Supplemental Utility Plant (SUP), which is a multiphase project. The new plant will integrate the University’s current infrastructure distribution and control network to provide flexibility in meeting campus loads. The SUP will increase the University’s capacity for chilled water, steam and on-site electrical generation. It’s designed to reflect and accommodate current and future utility demands. Phase one’s scope of work includes a steel frame insulated panel wall system structure, switchgear and ancillary equipment, fuel oil storage, duct banks and blacktop parking. Phase two’s scope of work will complete the SUP build out planned for the 100 kpph packaged boiler and two 8MW CHP installations.
- Construction on operable campus
- Aggressive schedule
- Close coordination with congruent jobsite for large science building
- Detailed logistics and phasing plans
- Preconstruction services
- Expanded emergency power capacity
- Steam generating equipment now dual-fueled
- Anticipating LEED Gold